Upcoming events
The Koans of Jun Po Roshi - Two Wings of Zen
Fall Practice and Retreat
Wisdom and compassion are the two wings at the heart of Zen. Jun Po Roshi’s Mondo koans engage both. This retreat will move quickly through the thirteen koans of Jun Po Roshi offering a shared taste of insight. Emyo Darlene Tataryn will lead us through the koans of Jun Po with her distinct pointing out style. Much time will be given to group processing and sharing experience.
About This Retreat
The focus on this retreat is on:
Shining Bright Lotus is enrolling students for this retreat.
Proceeds go directly to One Wisdom Zen and Emyo Darlene Tataryn
Wisdom and compassion are the two wings at the heart of Zen. Jun Po Roshi’s Mondo koans engage both. This retreat will move quickly through the thirteen koans of Jun Po Roshi offering a shared taste of insight. Emyo Darlene Tataryn will lead us through the koans of Jun Po with her distinct pointing out style. Much time will be given to group processing and sharing experience.
About This Retreat
The focus on this retreat is on:
- Deepening into Clear Deep Heart/Mind
- Embodying the insight of Mondo Zen
- Exploring the roots of feelngs and feeling beliefs
- Creating a framework for emotional koan work in daily life.
Shining Bright Lotus is enrolling students for this retreat.
Proceeds go directly to One Wisdom Zen and Emyo Darlene Tataryn
Previous events
Winter Practice Period 2024 Satipatthana: The Direct Path To Freedom
Led by:
Emyo Darlene Tataryn Ekai Joel Kreisberg Jozen Jonathon Fielder
Saturday, January 20th - Sunday, February 25th, 2024
Six weeks of community supported practice.
One Wisdom Zen, Shining Bright Lotus Meditation Society, and Iron Mountain Zendo are pleased to invite you to join us in a six week practice period devoted to Gautama Buddha’s teachings on the direct path to freedom, the Satipatthana Sutta.
The Winter Practice Period offers a critical study and practical exploration of a foundation of all Buddha Dharma practice, the Satipatthana Sutta. Having some understanding of the form and content of this seminal teaching; body, feeling, mental states, Dharmas, serve to guide the practical exploration of Anapanasati, or mindfulness of in and out breathing. We learn the what and how to practice, through the what and why of sutta study. Join us for three meditation periods each week.
We conclude this six week period with a three-day online retreat.*
Schedule of events:
Schedule of Topics:
Host Sanghas:
One Wisdom Zen - Emyo Darlene Tataryn
Shining Bright Lotus - Ekai Joel Kreisberg
Iron Mountain Zendo - Jozen Jonathan Fielder
If you only wish to attend the One Wisdom Sunday Sit portion of this winter program and you are already on the Sunday Sit mail list, no registration is required.
For access to all three Sanghas weekly sessions a, you can sign up through Shining Bright's registration link:
Emyo Darlene Tataryn Ekai Joel Kreisberg Jozen Jonathon Fielder
Saturday, January 20th - Sunday, February 25th, 2024
Six weeks of community supported practice.
One Wisdom Zen, Shining Bright Lotus Meditation Society, and Iron Mountain Zendo are pleased to invite you to join us in a six week practice period devoted to Gautama Buddha’s teachings on the direct path to freedom, the Satipatthana Sutta.
The Winter Practice Period offers a critical study and practical exploration of a foundation of all Buddha Dharma practice, the Satipatthana Sutta. Having some understanding of the form and content of this seminal teaching; body, feeling, mental states, Dharmas, serve to guide the practical exploration of Anapanasati, or mindfulness of in and out breathing. We learn the what and how to practice, through the what and why of sutta study. Join us for three meditation periods each week.
We conclude this six week period with a three-day online retreat.*
Schedule of events:
- Saturday, January 20th -10:00 am ET - 12:00 noon ET (New York)- Sacred Ceremony - Opening Ceremony
- Weekly Meditation Periods - January 21st - February 22nd
- Sundays 9:00 am CT - 10:15 am CT (Manitoba) - Emyo Darlene Tataryn - One Wisdom Zen
- Tuesdays 7:30 pm ET - 9:00 pm ET (New York) - Ekai Joel Kreisberg - Shining Bright Lotus
- Thursdays 6 pm ET - 7:30 pm GMT (London) - Jozen Jonathon Fielder - Iron Mountain Zen
- Saturday, February 17th - 10:00 am ET - 12:00 noon ET (New York) - Sacred Ceremony
- Friday - Sunday, February 23rd - 25th - Online Retreat - Satipatthana: Direct Path to Freedom*
All events are free open to anyone.
* Retreat requires an enrollment fee.
Schedule of Topics:
- Saturday January 20 2024 - Opening Ceremony - Introduction to the Satipatthana Sutta
- Week One - An in-depth summary of the Satipatthana Sutta
- Week Two - Mindfulness of Body
- Week Three - Mindfulness of Feelings
- Week Four - Mindfulness of Mental States
- Week Five - Mindfulness of Phenomena/Dharmas
- Final Retreat - Fri-Sun February 23 - 25 - Satipatthana Integration
Host Sanghas:
One Wisdom Zen - Emyo Darlene Tataryn
Shining Bright Lotus - Ekai Joel Kreisberg
Iron Mountain Zendo - Jozen Jonathan Fielder
If you only wish to attend the One Wisdom Sunday Sit portion of this winter program and you are already on the Sunday Sit mail list, no registration is required.
For access to all three Sanghas weekly sessions a, you can sign up through Shining Bright's registration link:
Satipatthana: The Direct Path to Freedom
Presented by:
One Wisdom Zen, Shining Bright Lotus Meditation Society & Iron Mountain Zen
Retreat Leaders:
Emyo Darlene Tataryn, Ekai Joel Kreisberg & Jozen Jonathon Fielder
About This Retreat:
The Satipatthana Sutra is a discourse outlining a framework for exploration of our human condition. We humans are always seeking to overcome our confusion and find our way to the path that leads to attenuation and eventual alleviation of unnecessary suffering. According to Gautama Buddha, the Four Satipatthana or correct application of mindfulness upon four foundations is the direct path to clarity, happiness, and peace.
This retreat is the conclusion of the Winter Practice Period and will complete the critical study and practical exploration that is foundational to all Buddha Dharma practice in whatever form such teachings and practices may take. Having some understanding of the form and content of the Satipatthana Sutta - body, feeling, mental states, Dharmas - serves to guide the practical exploration of Anapanasati, or mindfulness of in and out breathing. This where the practitioner learns the "what" and "how" to practice.
The great teacher Buddhadasa Bhikku states that “Anapanasati is the heart of Satipatthana, the heart of all four foundations of mindfulness” and that the “16 steps of Anapanasati are a straight forward and clear practice to transform our mind, liberating us from samsaric or cycling existence through the six worlds, and guiding the entrance to Nirvana. “
Shining Bright Lotus is enrolling students for this retreat.
Proceeds go directly to One Wisdom Zen and Emyo Darlene Tataryn
One Wisdom Zen, Shining Bright Lotus Meditation Society & Iron Mountain Zen
Retreat Leaders:
Emyo Darlene Tataryn, Ekai Joel Kreisberg & Jozen Jonathon Fielder
About This Retreat:
The Satipatthana Sutra is a discourse outlining a framework for exploration of our human condition. We humans are always seeking to overcome our confusion and find our way to the path that leads to attenuation and eventual alleviation of unnecessary suffering. According to Gautama Buddha, the Four Satipatthana or correct application of mindfulness upon four foundations is the direct path to clarity, happiness, and peace.
This retreat is the conclusion of the Winter Practice Period and will complete the critical study and practical exploration that is foundational to all Buddha Dharma practice in whatever form such teachings and practices may take. Having some understanding of the form and content of the Satipatthana Sutta - body, feeling, mental states, Dharmas - serves to guide the practical exploration of Anapanasati, or mindfulness of in and out breathing. This where the practitioner learns the "what" and "how" to practice.
The great teacher Buddhadasa Bhikku states that “Anapanasati is the heart of Satipatthana, the heart of all four foundations of mindfulness” and that the “16 steps of Anapanasati are a straight forward and clear practice to transform our mind, liberating us from samsaric or cycling existence through the six worlds, and guiding the entrance to Nirvana. “
Shining Bright Lotus is enrolling students for this retreat.
Proceeds go directly to One Wisdom Zen and Emyo Darlene Tataryn
Pristine Awareness and the Dance of Light
With Emyo Darlene Tataryn, Ekai Joel Kreisberg & Hakue Wendy Buffett
About This Retreat
This teaching and practice retreat will outline the process of concretization; that is the construction of reality from primordial ground to the natural world around us, including our own body and mental and emotional formations. Our understanding of various spiritual traditions within Buddhism can expand as we begin to recognize the triad of pristine awareness, the presence within this awareness, the moving mind and the energies that construct our karmic reality.
Energy is carried by an image, and so we consider, what image or form? A physical body? A photograph? What about a thought and even a spoken word? All of these are elemental bodies of various densities and constructs of earth, water, air, fire, and space. The deep archetypal images of the Buddha Families are energies and are represented by colors and elements and emotional valence.
You are invited to take this opportunity to contemplate this dynamic representation of our world and the energies that move us.
The focus in this retreat is on:
Pristine Awareness
The Elemental Rainbow and Karmic Formation
The Three Bodies and Spiritual Traditions
Shining Bright Lotus is enrolling students for this retreat.
Proceeds go directly to One Wisdom Zen and Emyo Darlene Tataryn
Registration provided by Shining Bright Lotus.
In a moment of wakeful consciousness we can transform our habitual tendencies and emotional distress into Buddha wisdom represented by the Five Tathagatas and the freedom each Tathagata represents. This retreat will familiarize practitioners with this East Asian Yogachara and Japanese Shingon/Vajrayana transformation model and how we might learn to recognize specific feelings and emotions, and their transformed liberated aspects. This model is compatible with and complimentary to Hollow Bones Mondo Zen Emotional Koan practice and skillful means.
This retreat will take place online and in person attendance with orientation beginning.
Thursday September 15th , 2022 - 7 pm CT – 8 pm CT - Orientation
Friday, September 16th, 2022 – 7 am – 4:30 pm - Optional evening practice 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Saturday, September 16th, 2022 – 7 am – 4:30 pm - Optional evening practice 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
through Sunday 18th – 7 am CT – 4:00 pm CT
This retreat will take place online and in person attendance with orientation beginning.
Thursday September 15th , 2022 - 7 pm CT – 8 pm CT - Orientation
Friday, September 16th, 2022 – 7 am – 4:30 pm - Optional evening practice 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Saturday, September 16th, 2022 – 7 am – 4:30 pm - Optional evening practice 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
through Sunday 18th – 7 am CT – 4:00 pm CT
Zen Basics
The word Zen in Japanese (or Chan in Chinese or Dhyana in Sanskrit) refers to meditation. There are a great many terms within Buddhist teachings across cultures and languages, which can lead to confusion between the signifier and the significate, or that which is being pointed to.
This retreat offers Zen Basics: the history, the terms, the practices. The intended outcome is to provide context for Zen practice and to outline the meanings of the various words most often attributed to Zen tradition such as satori, or kensho. Most significantly, practitioners will be given specific instructions in vitro to guide and deepen their practice toward actualizing, through direct experience, the realization of Zen mind. There will be opportunity for participants to clarify understanding through Q & A periods and group sharing. Participants are asked to commit to all or half days consistently. Mornings include Dharma Talks and guided instruction with afternoons silent practice with Q&A session. Guided embodiment practice is offered both morning and afternoon.
Schedule: All times Central
January 12: Welcome! Introductions and Instructions 7:00-8:00 p.m.
January 13-15 (1/2 day 16th):
7:00-8:00 a.m. Formal Zen Morning service...
Personal time 8:00-8:55; 9:00-12:00 Dharma talks and Practice; 12:00-1:25 Personal time 1:30-4:30
January 16: ending at 12:00 noon.
We practice for the well being of all, that our hearts know love and kindness and all minds grow in wisdom.
Beautiful Breath September Zen Sesshin
It is time again, to retreat into silence, to learn and to deepen ones practice in community. Emyo Seien Darlene Tataryn will guide you through simple yet powerful techniques of training one’s own mind. Consistently practiced these methods bring stability and deep calm and clarity to the mind and deep relaxation to the body. Location St. Benedict's Retreat and Conference Centre 225 Masters Avenue Winnipeg MB September 12-15 This is a relatively short, but practice intensive silent Zen retreat, suitable for those with some initial meditation experience as well as experienced practitioners. |
Registration and Costs:
$350.00 includes a private room and meals for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday morning as well as other pertinent expenses. Very basic vegetarian meals are served.
Full payment is required before the start of the retreat. To register contact Ryosen Roberta Anderson by email at roberta.anderson[email protected] or call 204-481-1623.
As a gesture of support, a monetary gift known as Dana, may be given to the Teacher, based on what the teaching is worth to you and what you are able to afford without undue hardship.
Arrival: late afternoon or early evening Thursday, September 12- ending Sunday September 15, 2019 A.M.
About Darlene:
Darlene has been a student of Buddha Dharma Hinayana/Theravada since 1981 and is a practitioner in both Mahayana/ Rinzai Zen and Vajrayana /Tibetan Buddhism. She was ordained as a priest in the Hollow Bones Order of the Rinzai Zen lineage, and facilitates Mondo Zen. As a student of Culadasa John Yates, Darlene also teaches "The Mind Illuminated Method" focusing on the ten stages of Shamatha Vipassana meditation. She is a teacher at the Dharma Fellowship practice Centre on Denman Island in BC and in Winnipeg, and the Interlake in Manitoba. Darlene has held a private practice in Expressive Therapy/ Counseling for many years and sees through a lens of Integral Theory. Her integrated approach combined with her extensive expertise and training in psycho-therapeutic practices provide her students the opportunity a more direct and less tumultuous unfolding into equanimity, bliss, and beyond.
$350.00 includes a private room and meals for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday morning as well as other pertinent expenses. Very basic vegetarian meals are served.
Full payment is required before the start of the retreat. To register contact Ryosen Roberta Anderson by email at roberta.anderson[email protected] or call 204-481-1623.
As a gesture of support, a monetary gift known as Dana, may be given to the Teacher, based on what the teaching is worth to you and what you are able to afford without undue hardship.
Arrival: late afternoon or early evening Thursday, September 12- ending Sunday September 15, 2019 A.M.
About Darlene:
Darlene has been a student of Buddha Dharma Hinayana/Theravada since 1981 and is a practitioner in both Mahayana/ Rinzai Zen and Vajrayana /Tibetan Buddhism. She was ordained as a priest in the Hollow Bones Order of the Rinzai Zen lineage, and facilitates Mondo Zen. As a student of Culadasa John Yates, Darlene also teaches "The Mind Illuminated Method" focusing on the ten stages of Shamatha Vipassana meditation. She is a teacher at the Dharma Fellowship practice Centre on Denman Island in BC and in Winnipeg, and the Interlake in Manitoba. Darlene has held a private practice in Expressive Therapy/ Counseling for many years and sees through a lens of Integral Theory. Her integrated approach combined with her extensive expertise and training in psycho-therapeutic practices provide her students the opportunity a more direct and less tumultuous unfolding into equanimity, bliss, and beyond.
Anyone can meditate- The I Am Festival
10am - Tipi - Darlene Tataryn - Anyone can meditate
Inti Muju Tinkuy
Join Darlene as she shares teachings of the four elements and the Buddha Families at this gathering of the Four Directions.
August 24, 2019 | All Day | 40 minutes north of Winnipeg, Highway 59
Drop in anytime.
$25 appreciated donation
August 24, 2019 | All Day | 40 minutes north of Winnipeg, Highway 59
Drop in anytime.
$25 appreciated donation
The Beautiful Breath Meditation Retreat
Thursday, January 24 to Sunday, January 27, 2019
Join Emyo Seien Darlene Tataryn as she guides you through subtle and powerful techniques of working with breath and body. Consistently practiced, these methods will lead you to a state of peaceful calm abiding - the imperturbable stability of natural mind that is your birthright.
Download retreat information here.
For the month of November 2018 Darlene will be resident meditation teacher at Dharma Treasure Retreat Center in Arizona.
Please contact [email protected] or contact the retreat center directly to join Darlene and other practitioners.
This is a wonderful opportunity for meditators at any stage of practice! Come for a week or two or more and receive individual support and guidance through the various stages of meditation.
Please contact [email protected] or contact the retreat center directly to join Darlene and other practitioners.
This is a wonderful opportunity for meditators at any stage of practice! Come for a week or two or more and receive individual support and guidance through the various stages of meditation.
Lama Lodro
Selkirk Vihara
DIY Retreat April 2017
Selkirk Vihara
DIY Retreat April 2017

Retreats with Lama Lodro are unique because attendees can set their own dates and personal schedule.
There will be group-lunches, karma-yoga practices, group meal prep and plenty of opportunity for personal practice and reflection. Some days will be more active than others, depending on what events are being held that day.
For those participating in a 7-day retreat, we are asking for a base rate of $350.00 plus Dana for Lama Lodro. It's shared accommodations between various couches and sleeping matts through-out the house.
For those coming to daily sessions and staying for a meal, please donate a $12.00 to help us buy all the fresh food and snacks! A general rule of thumb for all dharma activities is $20.00 for the temple, $20 for the teacher.
Of course, we ask that all participants participate in Karma-Yoga.
For those who are dedicated to practice, but have limited funds, worry not! We have plenty of extra- preparation and clean up for you to help with.
Visit lamalodra.ca for more info on the teacher.
Mondo Zen Retreat At The Hermitage
Denman Island, BC
July 7 - 13 2017
$300-$500 + Dana
Denman Island, BC
July 7 - 13 2017
$300-$500 + Dana

Living a conscious life is not an accidental process.
It is a material and spiritual art form that requires the observation and application of a scientist and the focus and steadiness of a martial artist. It requires a heart willing to open and embrace kind acceptance toward both self and other.
We consciously cultivate an awakened ego function able guide our thoughts, feelings, and emotions toward our deepest intentions within the flow of Tathagatagharba, this inherent transcendental essence.
We do this through identifying our innate Pure Awareness and the objects that capture our attention. With these simple injunctions we can learn to find freedom in a moment to choose our responses to self and other that are conducive to well being personally and in relationship.
This experiential retreat will overview fundamental Buddhist viewpoints and history in the context of Hollow Bones Mondo Zen Koan process. Mondo Zen is a meditation system of koan inquiry based on Japanese and Chinese Zen updated for this century and western culture. What is a koan? A koan is a question designed to bring about direct experience of awakened mind. Each of the Mondo Zen koans deconstruct and reconstruct our philosophical orientation so that we might lead a life informed by deep clarity and heartfulness as we meet our self and others in the world.
You will receive direct pointing out instructions for natural mind realization as well as clear and complete meditation instruction which lead to deep calm and life affirming insight. Your individual and group experience will include an exploration of insight, practice, and emotional koans which help us identify and work with arising feelings, emotions and mental states and their enactment. Embodiment practices such as Qi Gong are a part of our daily program.
As your Guide, I look forward to meeting you, sharing in Buddha Dharma, and offering personal interviews. Regardless of your prior experience, rest in beginners mind and a willingness to open into your deep caring and life concerns in the context of this beautiful rustic retreat setting and ocean within walking distance.
Teacher's Program Fee: 168$ +
Food and Accomodations: 300$ to 510$ based on selection.
Click THE HERMITAGE Page to register now
Or email [email protected] to chat and find out more. :)
In 1981 Darlene stepped fully into Buddha Dharma as a student of Theravadin lay monk Kema Ananda and since his passing has been a student of other valued teachers in the Karma Kagyu Nam Gyal lineage in Canada. In the Zen tradition she has taken Jukai and in 2014 has been ordained as a Priest by 83rd Zen Patriarch Jun Po Denis Kelly into the Rinzai Zen Hollow Bones order and given the names Emyo Seien (Gift of Clarity/ Pure Circle). Over the years Darlene has woven Integral Theory into her life and practice. She has facilitated spiritually oriented groups and facilitated meditation programs, instructed Applied Counselling for Red River College Gimli Campus for seven years, maintains a private counseling and somatically based expressive psychotherapy practice, and enjoys being married with four wonderful, now adult, children.
It is a material and spiritual art form that requires the observation and application of a scientist and the focus and steadiness of a martial artist. It requires a heart willing to open and embrace kind acceptance toward both self and other.
We consciously cultivate an awakened ego function able guide our thoughts, feelings, and emotions toward our deepest intentions within the flow of Tathagatagharba, this inherent transcendental essence.
We do this through identifying our innate Pure Awareness and the objects that capture our attention. With these simple injunctions we can learn to find freedom in a moment to choose our responses to self and other that are conducive to well being personally and in relationship.
This experiential retreat will overview fundamental Buddhist viewpoints and history in the context of Hollow Bones Mondo Zen Koan process. Mondo Zen is a meditation system of koan inquiry based on Japanese and Chinese Zen updated for this century and western culture. What is a koan? A koan is a question designed to bring about direct experience of awakened mind. Each of the Mondo Zen koans deconstruct and reconstruct our philosophical orientation so that we might lead a life informed by deep clarity and heartfulness as we meet our self and others in the world.
You will receive direct pointing out instructions for natural mind realization as well as clear and complete meditation instruction which lead to deep calm and life affirming insight. Your individual and group experience will include an exploration of insight, practice, and emotional koans which help us identify and work with arising feelings, emotions and mental states and their enactment. Embodiment practices such as Qi Gong are a part of our daily program.
As your Guide, I look forward to meeting you, sharing in Buddha Dharma, and offering personal interviews. Regardless of your prior experience, rest in beginners mind and a willingness to open into your deep caring and life concerns in the context of this beautiful rustic retreat setting and ocean within walking distance.
Teacher's Program Fee: 168$ +
Food and Accomodations: 300$ to 510$ based on selection.
Click THE HERMITAGE Page to register now
Or email [email protected] to chat and find out more. :)
In 1981 Darlene stepped fully into Buddha Dharma as a student of Theravadin lay monk Kema Ananda and since his passing has been a student of other valued teachers in the Karma Kagyu Nam Gyal lineage in Canada. In the Zen tradition she has taken Jukai and in 2014 has been ordained as a Priest by 83rd Zen Patriarch Jun Po Denis Kelly into the Rinzai Zen Hollow Bones order and given the names Emyo Seien (Gift of Clarity/ Pure Circle). Over the years Darlene has woven Integral Theory into her life and practice. She has facilitated spiritually oriented groups and facilitated meditation programs, instructed Applied Counselling for Red River College Gimli Campus for seven years, maintains a private counseling and somatically based expressive psychotherapy practice, and enjoys being married with four wonderful, now adult, children.
Mondo Zen Retreat July 31-August 2, 2015
Welcome to the first Mondo Zen retreat, with visiting Roshi, in Manitoba. Taking place at the Selkirk Vihara, 1/2 hour north of Winnipeg, this urban retreat is for beginners and experienced practitioners alike. Contact: ATTN: Roberta Anderson at [email protected] for questions and registration. registration of $150.00 |